Welcome to the
JRS Academy

Are you ready to level up with the most powerful healer in the world? 

Janine Regan-Sinclair is ready to share her lifetimes of knowledge, she is ‘The Consciousness Architect’.

Are you ready to step into your true power; then you have come to the right place? Join us and together we will manifest the new Earth 🌍 we were born to create.
Write your awesome label here.

Benefits of being a member

Janine has designed the most uplifting learning paths for you.
The Courses are for those of you looking for the ultimate ascension platform, as Janine will be opening the ONE Portal on every live stream she does, helping you raise your frequency. 

Regular DNA Upgrades

Raising your consciousness is something that needs more than just a daily meditation. We all need regular DNA upgrades as we evolve. There will be live healings on a biweekly basis on the members platform to assist you in the process.

Q & A with Janine

This is a great opportunity to ask Janine your questions regarding your health and spiritual growth in a live stream Q & A biweekly. See you soon everyONE  

Consciousness Architecture

Some of the lessons in the longer programs contain homework and if you want to experience the full force of the changes you are making, the exercises are an important part of the course.

 Join courses

Private Community

By joining my academy, you are joining a group
of old souls. Many people refer to us as Star Seeds or Light Workers, and together we are rewriting the matrix!
Write your awesome label here.

What is ONE?

ONE is a lifestyle, not a religion, or even a spiritual practice. It’s about reconnecting to your divinity, remembering who you are, being in your bliss and balancing and merging the light and dark within to become neutral.


It is important that you watch the ONE Explained video below, and do the meditation to make sure you can connect to ONE okay before purchasing the 12 month program.

ONE Explained

You are a limitless being, a divine particle of ONE and the only thing holding you back from stepping into that power, is you!

Are you ready to upgrade to a higher frequency? If you are, the courses below  are for you.

Changing your programming, changes your reality as well as your health and well-being.

Your world is a by-product of your consciousness and collectively, we are changing the world by raising our frequency and eliminating false programs, memories and imprints, structures and interfaces.
ONE Explained

What Students Say About Janine's Teachings 

"Thank you Janine for everything you have done for us! I am the person I am today because of you 🙏 I am so grateful for you ❤️. Today was another amazing workshop and the more I do your workshops, the more I learn and the more I heal."
"All I can say is my journey with Janine has been nothing but amazing. The time and love she puts into helping us all is beyond words… and I got to see some awesome people sharing their wonderful experiences….🙏❤️"
"I'm amazed how responsible I get to learn to be in my life now! I can’t say enough how much I appreciate Janine teaching me how to protect myself and overall be the best version of myself that I can be."
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