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Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Empowerment

Sacred Union

Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

Divine Feminine

Divine Masculine

In this Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Empowerment workshop, we will clear womb trauma and birth memories, as we have all been born or given birth in at least one of our many lifetimes.

Yes, even you men out there have been female in other lifetimes, so you will have womb trauma memories and we all find being born traumatic too, so we will clear those memories as well.

Lesson series

What's included?

  • In order to evolve fully, we must be balanced in our feminine and masculine energies and reconnecting with our divinity is also very important as we move forward.
  • We will also create your Soul Profile and access your Akashic Records to clear any blocks to your evolutionary journey.
  • I also integrate both divine male and female parts of your psyche.

This workshop contains powerful guided healing meditations and is for all levels from beginners to experts.

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